School Of Promise Project
Transforming lives by bringing education to children in developing countries - one teacher, one pen, and one book at a time.
Around 263 million children are out of school, globally. That means 1 in every 5 children worldwide is denied the essential human right to education. Even with access to basic education, millions of children lack the infrastructure to continue in school and fewer achieve literacy levels appropriate for their age. But with your help, we are doing our part to change that statistic for the better.
With access to proper education and school infrastructure, entire communities are transformed. Educated youth are the key to lifting a population out of poverty.
Our goal is to help children from low-income families in Kerala experience the joy of learning. We put your valuable donations towards sponsoring quality education for every child, from school supplies, nutritious meals, to academic tutoring and digital literacy classes. With every act of support, we work to equip one more child with the necessary skills to forge their future and achieve their dreams.

Your continued support is the key to us achieving our mission of literacy for children. Donate now to bring the joy of learning to another child today!

We warmly welcome you to the 3rd World Love family! Join hands with us today and volunteer to light up a child's future tomorrow.

Striking at the root of global poverty through education for children- one teacher, one pen, and one book at a time.